Welcome to
St. Patrick
Catholic Church
Onalaska, WI
Mass Times
Worship With Us
Our Mass Schedule
Normal Mass Times:
Sunday Mass: 7:00, 8:45, & 10:30 am
Monday Communion Service: 8:00 am
Tuesday-Friday Mass: 8:00 am
Saturday Mass: 8:00 am with Confession following
Saturday Evening Mass: 5:15 pm
Live Streaming: You can also join us every Sunday at 8:45 am for weekly Mass online by scrolling down or find us on Facebook or Vimeo.

Office Hours:
8:00 am until 3:00 pm, Monday-Friday
2024 Contribution Statements are now available. To view and print your contributions online please visit https://lacrosse.parishsoftfamilysuite.com/. To sign up for this option click on “New User” and provide the required information to request access to your parish records and contribution information.
St. Pats Vimeo Page (Archived Masses)
Welcome From Our Pastor
As pastor it is never easy to reach the many who are searching. The Truth never changes, yet modes of communication do. It is my hope through this website we will continue in a new way to reach out and continue to bear witness to the truth. See what our vibrant parish has to offer and don’t be afraid to click around.
Thank you for being with us. Myself, and our entire St. Patrick’s parish family, look forward to praying with and ministering to you.
God Bless,
Msgr. Steve
Help Wanted
Two Job Openings at the Church and School
We are currently seeking to fill two positions: A full-time custodial role in teh church and a part-time custodial role in our school.
The full-time position at the parish involves 40 hours per week. The part-time position in the school requires 20 hours per week, with the potential to transition to full-time in the future. Responsibilities for both positions include routine and deep cleaning of all areas within the church and school buildings, maintenance of the building and grounds, snow removal, minor maintenance projects, and other assigned duties.
Experience is helpful but not required, as training will be provided. Hours are flexible. If you are interested in applying, please contact Deacon Frank for an application. This is an immediate opening!
Lenten Fish Fry News
The season of Lent begins on Wednesday, March 5. The St. Patrick Parish Lenten Fish Fries will take place on March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, and 11th. We kindly ask for your help volunteering to staff these events to ensure their success. The Fish Fries are one of two major fundraisers for our parish. The funds they raise contribute to many parish expenses. Your volunteer service is needed and appreciated.
If your business is interested in being a placemat or beverage sponsor, please contact the parish office at 608-783-5535, ext. 2. The cost of placemat sponsorship is $150, and beverage sponsorship is $125. Beverage sponsors can be Celebrity Bartenders if they choose. These sponsorships are a great way to show your business’ support for our parish and generate business for your company. Thank you!

Congratulations Tom and Mary Ballinger
Tom and Mary are our seventh recipients of the annual St Patrick Parish Witness Award.
This award recognizes witnesses of the faith who make a substantial contribution of exceptional significance to the St Patrick Parish Community and/or to evangelizing our Catholic Faith. This contribution must be of rare quality due to praiseworthy length of service and/or of substantial and lasting impact in one or more service category. The Witness Award consists of a framed print of James Tissot’s painting, “The Voice in the Desert”.
St Patrick Parish recognizes Tom and Mary Ballinger for their exceptional and lengthy contributions in support of our parish and as witnesses to our Catholic faith. Tom was a long-term member of the Finance Council and Mary serves on the Social Justice Committee. Together they provide crucial volunteer services as weekend sacristans, delivering meals to the home-bound, assisting with our annual Lenten Fish Fry, and assisting our Finance Director by remaining after mass in order to count the offering. Between the two of them, they further serve our parish and community by assisting with youth ministry, volunteering for the Hunger Task Force, delivering communion to the home-bound, assisting with the rummage sale and parish mailings, and distributing Holy Communion during Sunday Mass.
Tom and Mary’s support of our parish goes above and beyond that expected of lay ministers. They continue to volunteer their time to help whenever and wherever there is a need, and they do so with humility and sincerity. Tom and Mary’s exemplary service bears witness to Christ and reflects superior credit to our parish and to themselves. Tom and Mary received this award in front of their fellow parishioners during the 10:30 am Mass on January 12th.
If you have questions on our recognition program, please contact our Liturgy Planner and Ministry Coordinator, Steven Nott, liturgyplanner@stpatsonalaska.com or at (608)783-5535 ext. 8.
Covecrest 2025
Camp Covecrest is a weeklong experience where high school students for incoming freshmen through outgoing seniors will play mud games, complete ropes courses, and even go whitewater rafting, while growing in faith through the Sacraments, Adoration, and small group discussions. Dates for Covecrest 2025 for St. Patrick’s are June 9-14. There are limited spots available-please contact our DRE, Anne, if you are interested in more information!
Religious Education Registration
The new school year is upon us and the Core Team and myself are anxious to see everyone again. Click the button to register your child(ren). You can also click the button below to access a PDF of the upcoming Rel Ed calendar for all grades.
We need your help!
If you are interested in supporting our youth as a catechist, Core team member, or prayer partner, please contact our DRE, Anne, at dre@stpatsonalaska.com
Register for 2024-2025
Click the button below to register your child(ren) up for the upcoming Religious Education Year!
Religious Education and
Youth Ministry
Faith formation from early childhood to high school.
Eucharistic Adoration
Main Church
Friday’s 8:30 AM-12:00 PM
Adoration Chapel
Sunday’s 6:00-8:00 PM
“I Thirst”- John 19:28
Our School
Faith-based academics with the
Aquinas Catholic School System
We’re an active community.
Stay in the know.
If you missed picking up a bulletin at Mass, below is a link to our current (and past) bulletins. Learn about upcoming events, prayer opportunities, and more!
Get Involved
St. Patrick Parish has many opportunities for involvement. The easiest way to become involved is to speak with someone who is already involved in an activity that interests you. They will give you the name of the person in charge and some information about their own participation. If you are a new member you receive a packet of information when you register that gives you information on activities and groups in the parish. If you have been a member for a year or longer, you will receive a Time and Talent form to complete once a year, so that you may choose involvement in different areas. See our many different involvement opportunities using the “Ministries” tab above.